Saturday, September 18, 2010

How To Claim Your Google Local Business Listing in Google Places

Let me start by saying, many small businesses still have not claimed their Google Local Business Listing and I am sure most store owners reading this don't even know what I am talking about. Just so you know, what I am referring to is not a gimmick, not spam, and costs store owners nothing. That's right, it is free from Google.

When you do a search for specific types of local products or services on Google you should see a list of local businesses along with a Google Map. It looks something like this...

A typical local Business Listings in the Google Search Results
  In the above example, you can see some local plumbers listed for Sheboygan, Wisconsin bacause I did a search for Sheboygan plumbers. I could have done a search for Milwaukee carpet stores and I would see a list of local carpet stores around Milwaukee. You can do the same thing for any city or town and type of business. That is how many consumers are searching for local businesses to fulfill their needs today.

These businesses are pulled by Google from a variety of different places, such as the SuperPages. Each of these listings can be edited by the actual business owner. To do this the business owner must claim and verify to Google that the business listing is their actual business. If you click on the line that says "Local business results for...." you will go to a Google Maps page that will look similar to this...

Google Maps business listings
  For store owners who have never claimed their Google business listing before, you should first find your business listing in the Google Maps and click on "More info >" underneath the business name. This will take you to Google Maps actual business details page. If you have never claimed your business listing before the page details will look pretty basic, with a lot of details missing. The listing below is an example of a local business who has previously claimed and edited their Google local business listing. It includes their website address, email address, store hours, a short business description, business categories and more.

A Local Business Lsiting in Google Maps
Once you have found your Google business listing, if you are the actual owner and want to claim and edit the  listing then you would click on Edit this page, as shown above. This will take you to a Google login screen where you will enter your Google Account email address and password, which will look something like below. (If you have not already created a free Google Account see: How To Create A Google Account.)

You can also skip all the above and go directly to Google's Local Business Center to login using your Google Account and claim your business listing. See:

Okay, now that you have successfully logged in you can edit your business details. The Google Local Business Listings are referred to by Google as Google Places. Watch the video below to learn how to manage your Google Places' business information. (Warning: This is a rather long video, if you want to save time  jump right to the 10 minute mark in the video to get into editing your business listing.)

How Does Google Verify The Listing I Edit Is Really My Business?

When you have finished editing your Business Listing and click the Submit changes button Google will give you two options for verification.

  1. If you want Google will call your business phone number you have listed immediately and an automated voice will give you a 5 digit number. This is while you are still on the Google business listing website. You will then immediately type in the 5 digit number in the appropriate textbox and click the submit button for instant verification.

  2. The other option is Google will mail you a post card with the 5 digit number. This can take up to two weeks. You will then go back online and log into your Google business listing, using your Google Account and type in the 5 digit number from the post card.
After your business is verified by Google they will update your business listing with the changes you made to your listing in about 24 hours.

I will cover more things businesses can do in Google Places in the future. Right now, it is important you at least follow Google's instructions and claim your local business listing

1 comment:

  1. Another great article John.
    This is probably one of the most basic updates dealers should do.
    Plus your offer of doing it for them for $75.00 is an unbelievable bargain. Especially given the background you have in this industry.
    Thank you again.
