Saturday, August 9, 2014

Small Business Web Marketing - Keep It Simple

I find a lot of small business owners are still overwhelmed when it comes to what to do on the Internet. Whether it is a website, blog, Pinterest, Houzz, Facebook, Twitter, etc. it is easy to lose sight of what it is all about. All these are just touch points where we have the opportunity to connect with potential customers. Keeping it simple will help make your online initiatives more productive. So how do we start?

In its simplest form the web is made up of content - text, images, and videos. That is what we upload to our websites, blogs, use in online ads, on social media channels and share with others in emails. And that is also what we need to focus on - quality, relevant content. Which means - written text, digital photos and videos that tell a story or fulfill customer's needs.

We also need a simple understanding of what is the purpose and goals of our online initiatives and define who is our targeted audience you want to appeal too. Only then can we then start to make a solid web marketing plan. Two great goals for small businesses start with:
  • Build online awareness for our business
  • Drive consumers to our brick-and-mortar storefronts
Now we have to sit down and start planning how to make the connection between content that will appeal to our targeted audience and get them engaged with our store. Again, keeping it simple to start with so we get comfortable doing this.

Probably the best place to start is by answering some questions:
  • What are the common questions customers ask you when in your store?
  • What are the most popular items people seek in your store?
  • What services do you provide that your customers use your products for?
Now start to write a list of bullet points answering these questions. Once the list is completed you can prioritize the list and add a date by each one and where you want each one to be placed - website, blog, etc..   Review the list with your staff and have them help you gather the text content and images you may want to use with each one. Once completed either get this to your web designer or whomever in your store does the uploading along with a posting schedule. Lastly, keep adding new questions as you or your staff think of them. Try to make this a team effort.

This will start to become easier over time. At least now you are beginning to build a sound strategy that will evolve over time as you see what works and what doesn't. Either way you will be adding fresh content all the time that will help engage more potential buyers and definitely help with your search engine ranking placements too.

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