Before you start any online, store advertising campaign you need to be able to view how people are getting to your website. The easy way to determine where your website visitors are coming from is by using Google Analytics (it's free) on your website. This will help you track where your website audience is actually coming including any advertising campaign you decide to try. See a simple example below...
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Notice the source. What this is showing you is over a selected time period how many website visitors came from I also added the region so you can also see where the website visitors came from. If you were a store in Massachusetts you would see that 5 visitors came from Massachusetts to your website from Depending on the time period and advertising costs you can now better decide if it is worth it.
One thing to note: The bottom line is getting web visitors to your store (converting visitors to buyers). So if those 5 web visitors all became new customers you might find this advertising program is a great deal. It's about the quality of the leads, not just quantity.